
Sunday, February 6, 2011

The class of 2011

Today was the first day of our school year. It was an exciting day, getting to know the names and meeting all the new faces. Room 5 comprises of thirty two Years 5 & 6 students. They enjoy all aspects of E-Learning. Later on this term, each student will have their own blog. There will be lots of learning happening on this blog. Do come back and visit this blog.


  1. Hi Room 5. Lovely to meet you. You are lucky to have Miss Paton as your teacher. You will do heaps of fun e-learning in her class. Room 7 at Glenbrae is also a Year 5/6 class and we'd love to communicate with you sometimes this year. We have our new netbooks now and are just learning to use them and see what we can do on them. We'll keep you posted.
    Room 7 and Mrs Boye

  2. Hi room 5.Lovely to meet you,my name is Hannah and I go to Glenbrae school.I'm a year 5,my class and I already got our netbooks.You are so lucky to have miss Paton as your teacher.
    I hope you have a lovely day and It's very nice to meet you.

    we'll keep you posted
    Room 7 and Mrs Boyer

  3. Hi Room 5

    What a fantastic looking Class. Best wishes for every success in the year ahead. I know Miss Paton has a great year planned ahead for you.
