
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Aryan's Reflection on his Painting

1. Are you pleased with your abstract painting? why / why not?
Yes I am pleased with my painting, because there were no mistakes.

2. What did you find easy when you created your abstract painting?
I found making the patterns hard.

3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your abstract painting? -think about painting, ruling it up etc.
I found ruling it up the abstract was hard.

4. Who / What helped you when you were painting?
My teacher helped me and Raymond. Raymond helped me with the patterns and Mrs Paton helped me with painting, she told me where to paint.

5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: colours, painting, ruling of grid, etc.

I do change the colours different next time.

6. What frustrated you when you created your abstract painting?

The thing that frustrated me was the abstract.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Making Traffic Light Jelly

Today we made Traffic Light Jelly, as part of our learning in Maths. At the moment we are learning about volume and capacity. Today we learnt that a cup measures 250mls and a Tablespoon measures 15mls. We were very lucky to have our Teacher Aide Mrs Kelly to help us make the jelly. Her expert knowledge was so valuable. Check out our first slide show in making Traffic Light Jelly. We will be making the red jelly to go on top on Monday.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Poster on Thanksgiving By Isabella

This is my poster on thanksgiving. I have worked on this with my partner Taryn. From working on this poster I have learnt that 91% of people eat turkey on thanksgiving day. Check it out and make some comments.

My Popplet on Friedrich Vordemberg Guildewart By Ducati

This is my popplet on Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart. I hope you like it.

My Reflection on my artwork By Oh S'mar

 Art: Reflecting on my Abstract Painting

1. Are you pleased with your abstract painting? why / why not? yes. Because the colors are good

2. What did you find easy when you created your abstract painting? Painting the square.

3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your abstract painting? -think about painting, ruling it up etc.
Ruling the grid.

4. Who / What helped you when you were painting?
Fine,Isaac and Miss Paton

5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: colours, painting, ruling of grid, etc.
Do the colors different.

6. What frustrated you when you created your abstract painting? Ruling the grid.

Friday, November 23, 2012

My Art Reflection By Liantre

Art: Reflecting on my Abstract Painting

1. Are you pleased with your abstract painting? why / why not?
Yes because It looks wonderful.

2. What did you find easy when you created your abstract painting?
Painting was the easy one because you had to paint inside the shapes.

3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your abstract painting? -think about painting, ruling it up etc.
 Ruling it up was tricky because you had to make it perfect and right.

4. Who / What helped you when you were painting?
Miss Paton helped me with my painting.

5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: colours, painting, ruling of grid, etc.
I would change the colours so they were brighter and then they would stand out.

6. What frustrated you when you created your abstract painting?
Ruling the grid because you had to make sure you had done the right shapes.

My art reflection By Asmah

Art: Reflecting on my Abstract Painting

1. Are you pleased with your abstract painting? why / why not?
I am really happy with my painting, because I took my time.

2. What did you find easy when you created your abstract painting?
Painting the middle square.

3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your abstract painting? -think about painting, ruling it up etc.
Painting the thin pieces.

4. Who / What helped you when you were painting?
The picture on the wall and my teacher Miss Paton.

5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: colours, painting, ruling of grid, etc.
Next time I would like to use different colours.

6. What frustrated you when you created your abstract painting?
Drawing the square in the middle of the circle.

My poster on the Dragon Boat Festival By Jacob and Kifi

This Kifi's and my comic life on the Chinese Dragon boat festival. It is based on the presentation we made. I hope you like it.

Halloween Poster By Tim and Latisha

This is my comic life poster on Halloween. My partner was Latisha.

Our posters on the Cherry Blossom Festival By Angel and Asmah

These are mine and Asmah's Posters on The Cherry Blossom Festival. We made it after we did our presentation. Please leave some comments

My art reflection By Kifi

 Art: Reflecting on my Abstract Painting

1. Are you pleased with your abstract painting? why / why not?
Yes I am pleased with my work because it is perfect.

2. What did you find easy when you created your abstract painting?
I found painting the circle easy.

3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your abstract painting? -think about painting, ruling it up etc.
I found ruling the grid tricky.

4. Who / What helped you when you were painting?
My friend Tyler helped me with my painting and grid.

5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: colours, painting, ruling of grid, etc.
I would probably change my colors to darker coulors.

6. What frustrated you when you created your abstract painting?
Ruling my grid

My popplet on Friedrich Vordemberg Gildewart, By Addnan

 Hi. This is my Popplet work on all the facts that I found out about Friedrich Voldemberg-Gildewart. Click and scroll around. Enjoy

Friday, November 16, 2012

My presentation on Diwali By Caitlin and Fine

This is my presentation on Diwali. Me and Fine worked on this using information that we gathered. I hope you enjoy our presentation.

My Art Reflection By Teagan

 Art: Reflecting on my Abstract Painting

1. Are you pleased with your abstract painting? why / why not?
Yes because I like the different shades of blue.

2. What did you find easy when you created your abstract painting?
Painting the square.

3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your abstract painting? -think about painting, ruling it up etc.
Ruling the squares and doing all the shapes.

4. Who / What helped you when you were painting?
Miss Paton helped me.

5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: colours, painting, ruling of grid, etc.
I would do my painting tidier.

6. What frustrated you when you created your abstract painting?
The grid.

My Reflection on my Abstract Painting, By Fine

 Art: Reflecting on my Abstract Painting

1. Are you pleased with your abstract painting? why / why not?
Yes. Because I have put a lot of effort into it.

2. What did you find easy when you created your abstract painting?
The main square.

3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your abstract painting? -think about painting, ruling it up etc.
Ruling the grid because I had to count 6 by 6 squares and use a ruler.

4. Who / What helped you when you were painting?
Miss Paton told me what kind of colors to paint and where to paint.

5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: colours, painting, ruling of grid, etc.
Painting within the lines.

6. What frustrated you when you created your abstract painting?
Getting green paint on yellow paint. 


My Art Reflection By Tevita

 Art: Reflecting on my Abstract Painting

1. Are you pleased with your abstract painting? why / why not?

Yes I am pleased with my art because of the colours I have chosen and mixed.

2. What did you find easy when you created your abstract painting?

I found erasing the grid was easy.

3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your abstract painting? -think about painting, ruling it up etc.

I found painting in between the lines tricky.

4. Who / What helped you when you were painting?

Miss Paton and Tyler helped me while I was painting.

5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: colours, painting, ruling of grid, etc.

The thing that I will do differently is painting in between the lines.

6. What frustrated you when you created your abstract painting?

The thing that frustrated me was when there was a purple blob on the green.

Topic presention rubric, assessed by Tyler on Alazay's performance

Next time I should work on my slide layout next and to work on my cue card's faster. My strength's were I had a loud and clear voice, I memorized my words and made eye contact to the class/camera.

My presentation on the Cherry Blossom Festival By Angel and Asmah

This is my presentation on The Cherry Blossom Festival. We made some questions, answered them and made it into a presentation. Please leave some comments.

Art: Reflecting on my abstract paint, By Quaid

Art: Reflecting on my Abstract Painting

1. Are you pleased with your abstract painting? why / why not?
Yes because it looks very good and it turned out the way I wanted it to

2. What did you find easy when you created your abstract painting?
Ruling up my grid

3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your abstract painting? -think about painting, ruling it up etc.
Rubbing out the grid lines

4. Who / What helped you when you were painting?
Ruler, pencil, rubber and Miss Paton

5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: colours, painting, ruling of grid, etc.
Change colour choice. I would change it to blue because it would show up better.

6. What frustrated you when you created your abstract painting?
The mistakes I made with the splatters of paint. going into my ruled up areas.

Deziree and Rose's Durga Indian Festival presentation

This is Mine and Rose's Presentation on Durga. We have been split up into groups. Rose and I are in Team India.

Here is my Art Reflection By Nicola

Art: Reflecting on my Abstract Painting

1. Are you pleased with your abstract painting? why / why not?
I am really pleased with my painting and yet not pleased. The reason for that

is, the green colour is not the kind I would usually use.

2. What did you find easy when you created your abstract painting?
I found tracing around the plate onto my 6 by 6 cm grid really easy.

3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your abstract painting? -think about painting, ruling it up etc.
I found Painting the square in the centre of the circle a bit hard, other than that everything was a piece of cake.

4. Who / What helped you when you were painting?
Miss Paton helped me alot with painting my painting.

5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: colours, painting, ruling of grid, etc.
I would chose different colours.

6. What frustrated you when you created your abstract painting?
Trying to paint within the lines, and making the right colours for each shape.

That's me! I admire my picture.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

More of our beautiful paintings

The Room 5 artists have been busy today, finishing off their paintings. We have got over half of the class that have finished their paintings. They look absolutely amazing and quite retro. Check out more of our bold artworks.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Our Paintings

This term we have been painting in the style of Friedrich Vordemberg Gildewart, an abstract artist from Germany. Check out our amazing artworks. There will be more to come, very soon.

My Diwali Comic Life Poster By Quaid and Aryan

 My Diwali Comic Life Poster

Our poster on Diwali By Fine and Caitlin

This is my poster. I worked on it with my partner/classmate Caitlin. We did this poster based on Diwali. We have been gathering information about Diwali and using applications to show off our information. This application is called Comic life.

Monday, November 12, 2012

My Comic Life on the Chinese Lantern Festival By Teagan and Addnan

This is me and Addnan's comic life on the Lantern Festival. Click on it to make it bigger and maybe you will learn something from our presentation.

My Poster on Holi By Tevita and Tyler

Hi this is Tyler and I poster on Holi. What is Holi you asked. It is a festival of coloured powder and representing the good overcoming evil. It was celebrated on the 8th of March 2012 this year.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

My retelling of the Three Little Pigs By Latisha

The Three Little Pigs
One sunny day there were three little pigs that lived with their mother. The three little pigs mother said “You are too big to live with me, my dears. You are now big enough to go out into the forest and make your own houses”. The first little pig went into the forest, got some straw and thought that was what he should make his house out of. The second little piggy made his house out of sticks and the third little pig made his house out of bricks. It took the third little pig a lot of time but finally the third little pig finished his brick house. Then a big bad wolf came out of the forest and went to the first little piggy’s house made of straw. “Little pig, little pig let me inside” said the big bad wolf. “Not by the hairs on my chiny chin chin” replied the little piggy. “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down”, said the wolf.The first little piggy ran to the second oldest piggy's house. The first little pig yelled “Let me in because there's a big bad wolf coming!” “Little pigs, little pigs, let me inside,” said the big bad wolf. “Not by the hairs on our chinny chin chins,” replied the second little piggy. “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down” said the wolf. Then the first and second little piggies ran to the house made out of bricks. They locked the door, so the big bad wolf could not get in. The big bad wolf got so angry that he said” If you won’t let me in then I’ll destroy your house of bricks.”Then he huffed and he puffed but he couldn't blow the house down. So the big bad wolf climbed all the way up to the chimney. The third little pig who lived in the brick house got his big pot of hot water and the big bad wolf fell down the chimney. The wolf landed into the big pot of hot boiling water. And then the three little pigs cooked him up for dinner, then they ate him. So the three little pigs lived happily ever after dancing and dancing that they were in luck and they never saw the big bad wolf again and loved their brick house. And that’s the story of the three little pigs. THE END

My Presentation on the Chinese Lantern Festival By Teagan and Addnan

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Peer Assessment Narrative Checklist

Today Miss Paton peer assessed Fine on her narrative writing. She thinks Fine's writing is excellent and targets audience interest levels. Miss Paton thinks Fine needs to improve on her language features such as using similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia in her writing.

Friday, November 2, 2012

My Narrative Checklist By Teagan

This is my narrative check list. These are all the things that I have completed.

My Narrative By Teagan

My Own Narrative

Once upon a time there was boy a named Leroy. Leroy was a kung fu fighter and he would train with his master Sensei Wu under his dads pizza shop. Sensei Wu said in his words of wisdom  if he focused hard enough he would create a fireball and lightning ball  in his hands and become stronger  then his training would be finished. His father Tobi and his mother Temari owned a pizza shop. It was called Tobiriffic Pizza. Leroy had a little brother named Kakashi. Kakashi didn’t like what Leroy was doing and started  calling him Bruce Leroy. He was teasing him because he was a ninja. There was a bad group that would challenge people at Kung fu. The leaders name was Pain because of the pain he brings.

One day Pain and his group found Leroy and Sensei Wu’s training spot. Sensei  was  having a sleep when Pain stabbed him in the stomach and put Sensei Wu to his end. Leroy was cleaning his dads pizza shop when he heard this screaming “AAAA”. Leroy immediately knew it was Sensei Wu. Leroy ran over as fast as he could but it was too late Sensei Wu was dieing. He heard running but he couldn’t catch them they were  too fast. Leroy held Sensei Wu while Sensei Wu closed  his eyes and went into the light. Leroy screamed “NOOO!!”. Leroy said if he ever saw those guys again he would get his revenge.

Leroy teaches teenagers to help him to defeat Pain and his group. Leroy trains harder and focuses on mastering that fireball and lightning ball. One day  Leroy found a kid on the street. He must of got  beaten up by pain because he was bleeding by his lip and  his nose was all bloody too. Leroy asked him what his name was he whispered “ Kakashi “. Leroy screamed what. It was his little brother. So he picked him up and brought him to his class. Leroy was so angry it was like his head was going to explode. Leroy was furious.

A little while after he heard his mum scream “ AAAA”. Leroy ran up as fast as the wind and there he was . Pain, Pain grabbed his mother and chucked her to the floor then started chuckling to himself. Leroy focuses and remembered what Sensei Wu said. He focused and focused and focused. He opened up his hands and lightning started swirling in his left hand while in his right hand fire starting swirling in hand.  His eyes went blue as he struck the two hands and pushed it towards Pain. Pain screamed in pain “ Arrr”. Pain fell to the ground and was never seen again. Leroy keep training teenagers and himself. His dads pizza shop got bigger and it is all over the world. There was no more trouble and everybody lived happily after.

My Three Billy Goats Gruff Story By Teagan

Learning Intention
I am learning to identify the features of a narrative

Success Criteria:
I can identify the characters - defining the personalities of the characters
I can identify the setting/place - where and when the story took place
I can identify the problem the characters experience
I can identify the resolution - how the problem was solved

Read through this passage and use your highlighter on your netbook to identify the above features:- characters, setting, problem and resolution

The Billy Goats Gruff

There were once three billy goats- big old Grandfather Gruff, his son Bill, and his grandson Billy who was hardly more than a kid. They spent the snowy winter in a valley. But when spring came, they longed to climb to the green alps where sweet grass grew.
As they set off the little bell on the littlest Billy Goat Gruff went ting tang tong, and his little feet went trit trat trot.

The bell on the second Billy Goat Gruff went cling clong clang, and his feet went clippity-clip.

But the big bell on the biggest Billy Goat Gruff went bing bang bong and his feet went clip-clop clip-clop.

“Soon we will cross the river gorge and reach the mountains” he said.
Little did they know that a terrible troll had made his home under the bridge. There was no other way across the gorge, and the troll was growing fat and happy, eating the travellers who passed that way. As the littlest Billy Goat Gruff came trotting over the bridge, his bell went ting tang tong and his feet went trit trat trot. The troll heard him and poked his red eyes over the edge of the bridge.

“Who dares to cross my bridge?” he said. I’ll eat him between bread for a sandwich!”
The littlest Billy Goat Gruff blinked at the troll, then he said, “Eat me if you must, but I’m very small and thin. My father, Billy Goat Gruff, is coming along behind me. He’s much bigger and fatter than I am. Listen”
“Hrmph”, said the troll, but he listened, and sure enough he could hear the second Billy Goat Gruff coming, his bell going cling clong clang. “All right, be off with you,” said the troll. “But I’ll be waiting to eat you up on your way back”.

So the littlest Billy Goat Gruff hurried on across the bridge. But he stopped at the far side, to see what would happen. The second Billy Goat Gruff reached the brdieg, and his feet went clippity-clip and the bell round his neck went cling clong clang. The troll poked his bulging blue nose over the edge of the bridge. “Who dares to cross my bridge? I’ll eat him under pastry for a pie!”
The second Billy Goat Gruff blinked at the troll, then he said, “Eat me if you must, but I’m rather bony and tough. My father, Billy Goat Gruff, is coming along behind me. He’s much bigger and fatter than I. Listen”.
“Hrrmmphph!” said the troll, but he listened, and sure enough he could hear the third Billy Goat Gruff coming, his bell going bing bang bong. “All right”, said the troll.
“Get off my bridge. But I’ll be waiting here to eat you up on your way back!”
So the second Billy Goat Gruff hurried on across the bridge. But he stopped at the far side as well, to see what would happen.

When the third Billy Goat reached the bridge, his feet went clip-clop clip clop and the bell round his neck went bing bang bong. The troll pulled himself on to the bridge and stood barring the way- and a nasty, nobbly, spiteful, spikey, horrible, hairy troll he was.
“Who DARES to cross MY bridge? I’ll eat him RAW!”
The biggest Billy Goat Gruff blinked at the troll, then he said, “Eat me, will you? We’ll see about that!” And he lowered his two great horns, and pawed the planks with his big front foot-ratch scratch scrape-
“I’ve horns on my head and hooves on my feet
And I’ll show you what they’re for!
I’ve got hooves on my feet and horns on my head:
I’ve seen worse than you before!”

Then he thundered over the bridge and rammed the troll, and tossed him so high in the air that the troll did not come down for three days.
So the third Billy Goat Gruff reached the other side of the bridge, and trotted into the mountains with his son and grandson, to eat the sweet grass all summer long.
For all I know, they may still be there.  

The problem was the troll. It would not move or give way to let the three goats across the bridge

Grandfather Gruff was the strongest in the team and the troll so he used his horn and hooves and rammed into the troll to get past.

My retelling on the Three Little Pigs By Cody

The Three Little Pigs

One sunny morning there were three little pigs that lived on a farm. Their mum told them that they're old enough to live by themselves.
One little pig built his house out of  thick hay. The second pig built his house out of thin sticks and the third pig built his house out of heavy bricks.The third little pig house took two to three days to build his house.

The next day one bad wolf came out of the woods to get some food. The wolf saw the three little pigs’ houses. The bad wolf ran to the first little pigs house, the one that was made out of hay. The wolf  saw the first little pig in the house  through the window and said “Let me in, little pig”. The little pig said “Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin. Then the wolf looked straight at the house.

He huffed and he puffed and blew the second pigs house made out of sticks in . The first little pig ran in fear to the second pigs house the one that was made out of thin sticks. The first pig screamed to the second pig “Let me in quick before I become lunch”. The second pig opened his stick door. The wolf ran after them and saw two pigs in the house  through the the stick window. The wolf said “Little pigs let me in”.  The little pigs said “Not by the hair on our chinny chin chins”. The wolf  stepped in front of the stick house and he huffed and he puffed and blew the house in. The Little pigs ran to the third `Little pigs brick house. The Little pigs shouted “Let us in before we become lunch” The third little pig opened his door brick door.

The big bad wolf peak through the brick window and saw three little pigs. The big bad wolf said “Little pigs, little pigs let me in”. The pigs said “Not by the hair on our chinny chin chins”. The wolf huffed and he puffed but he couldn’t blow the brick house down so the wolf climbed the brick wall and dived down the chimney. The Little pigs heard him coming down the chimney and placed a boiling bowl of water on top of the burning fire.  The wolf went SPLASH! into the bowl and he was boiled in the bowl and he was never seen again.

                                           THE END